While few countries in the world have legalised surrogacy, all are concerned because women are asked to be surrogate mothers or because their nationals travel abroad to have a child through surrogacy.
Faced with this global challenge, the Declaration of Casablanca for the universal abolition of surrogacy, signed by experts from all around the world, calls on governments to move beyond resignation, condemn surrogacy, take concrete measures to put an end to this trade and, especially, commit to an international Convention to promote a global context of refusal of surrogacy, likely to draw many countries into this virtuous wake.
The “Casablanca Declaration” is thus an international group of experts, researchers and practitioners, lawyers, doctors, psychologists : working for a long time on the subject of surrogacy, they address together States and international organizations to put at their disposal their multidisciplinary and international expertise to support, encourage, instigate political, legal and diplomatic steps with a view to the abolition of surrogacy in the world and, in particular, the adoption of an international Convention for the universal abolition of surrogacy.
Casablanca Declaration produce and disseminate international, multidisciplinary expertise, in order to inform public decision-makers, professionals and the general public about the reality of surrogacy.
Olivia Maurel in Albania delivers a speech on the theme of “Surrogacy, the modern slavery”, as part of the debate on the introduction of this
31 January 2025 In the context of the debate on this practice in Chile, and in view of the recent presentation of a bill that
Press release 31 January 2025 The first contribution warns once again of the emergence and development of a new form of violence based on the
The Declaration and the proposal for an international Convention have been made public during an expert seminar on March 3 in Casablanca, Marocco.
The International Conference for the Universal Abolition of surrogacy was held in Rome on 5th and 6th April 2024, with the aim of being a decisive step towards the advent of an international treaty.
Declaration spokesperson, born from surrogacy
Coordinator, Doctor in law
of the Declaration of Casablanca