
International group of surrogacy researchers discusses draft legislation to abolish surrogacy in Chile

31 January 2025 In the context of the debate on this practice in Chile, and in view of the recent presentation of a bill that

The Casablanca Declaration sends two reports to Reem Alsalem, UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls 

Press release 31 January 2025 The first contribution warns once again of the emergence and development of a new form of violence based on the

Olivia Maurel receives the Atreju Prize in Italy 

The Atreju 2024 Prize has been awarded on December 17, 2024, to Olivia Maurel, spokesperson for the Casablanca Decaration for the universal abolition of surrogacy.


Press release October 16, 2024 (Italian below) Today, Italy made history by passing its new law on surrogacy. The new law makes surrogacy a universal

Submission about Armenia to the 49th Session of the Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review Working Group

Press release October 15, 2024 Casablanca Declaration submitted a joint stakeholders report with ADF International for the 49th Session of the Human Rights Council’s Universal

Chile: MPs from 8 parties call for the abolition of surrogacy, after Olivia Maurel’s testimony!

Press release 09.09.2024 On Sunday 8 September, 8 Chilean MPs from 8 different parties, from the left, centre and right, signed a public letter

Contribution of the Casablanca Declaration to the report on Human trafficking

The group behind the Casablanca Declaration submitted its contribution to the report on human trafficking and on gender, peace, and security in order to bring

French President Emmanuel Macron answers to Olivia MAUREL

The President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron answers to Olivia MAUREL and reaffirms that surrogacy “challenges the dignity of the woman’s body and its

The Casablanca Declaration at the United Nations in Geneva

Press release Geneva, 18.06.2024 “I was ordered, fabricated, custom-made, sold and bought” (Olivia Maurel, born from surrogacy and spokesperson of the Casablanca Declaration)   The

Olivia Maurel, born through surrogacy, and Gloria Ruiz, ex surrogate, warn Albania on surrogacy risks

Press release, 10.06.2024 Olivia Maurel, born through surrogacy and spokesperson of the Casablanca Declaration, as well as Gloria Ruiz, ex surrogate mother and signatory of

Exploitation of surrogacy as a minimum case of trafficking at European level

PRESS RELEASE April 23th, 2024 The European Parliament includes the exploitation of surrogacy as a minimum case of human trafficking On April 23, 2024, the

VIDEO – The international Conference of Rome (5th and 6th of April 2024)

Rome Report, 5 avr. 2024 Follow in video the first day of the Conference of Rome for the global abolition of surrogacy

Testimonianza. Olivia Maurel, nata da utero in affitto: quel segreto mi ha quasi ucciso

AVVENIRE Antonella Mariani sabato 6 aprile 2024 La 32enne francese da un anno racconta la sua storia e lotta perché la maternità surrogata sia

Side-event : End surrogacy now – 68th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women • 20 March 2024

Press release 20 march 2024 Today, 20 March 2024, Olivia Maurel, born from surrogacy and spokeswoman for the Casablanca Declaration, and PhD Bernard Garcia, coordinator,

1st anniversary of the Declaration

Today, 3 March 2024, 1st anniversary of the Declaration of Casablanca: already a lot to celebrate! On 3 March 2023, 100 experts of 75 nationalities

Casablanca Déclaration in Croatia

Presse release 28 February / French below Olivia Maurel, young woman born through surrogate motherhood and spokesperson for the Casablanca Declaration for the universal abolition

Rome 5th to 6th of April 2024

While few countries in the world have legalised surrogacy, all are concerned because women are asked to be surrogate mothers or because their nationals travel

Exploitation of surrogacy as trafficking by a draft European directive

Press release January 24, 2024 The process of adopting the Proposal for a European Directive (2022/0426(COD) amending the 2011 Directive on preventing and combating trafficking

Conférence internationale sur la GPA au Parlement tchèque

Le 21 novembre, s’est tenue au Parlement de la République Tchèque une conférence internationale sur la gestation pour autrui, sur l’initiative de trois femmes membres du Parlement :

International conference about surrogacy at the Czech Parliament

On November 21, an international conference on surrogacy was held at the Parliament of the Czech Republic, on the initiative of three female members of

Women Deliver Conference 2023 in Rwanda: what about surrogacy?

(French and Spanish version below) Press release of July, 18, 2023 No credible women’s cause as long as complacency with surrogacy lasts The Women Deliver

Topical debate on surrogacy at the European Parliament

Press release of June 14, 2023 French and Spanish versions here A Topical debate (Rule 162) took place today June 14, 2023 in plenary session

They speak about the Declaration of Casablanca

Already 77 nationalities

Experts from all over the world join the Casablanca Declaration for the universal abolition of surrogacy : 76 nationalities are already represented among the signatories!

The signatories

The signatories of the Declaration of Casablanca are experts from different disciplines, mainly lawyers, doctors, psychologists, sociologists, philosophers… Many dedicate some or all of their

One more Declaration ?

Deliberately kept brief, the text of the Declaration is designed to emphasize the primary goal: the global ban on surrogacy. Thus, the Casablanca Declaration stands